You can email us through filling the form available here.Fill Here
You will then receive a call from us and we will do the needful.
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Spicmacay encourages Students to conduct the show.

  • One student will give a short welcome address & introduce Spicmacay.
  • Another student will read the Artist Bio Data.( we will provide both write ups)
  • This will be followed by the honoring of the artist by the School Head. It can be bouquet/ garland/shawl/ or your institution memento, of your choice.
  • Artist will then start the performance and would explain the items, also interact with students.
  • In the end the floor is open for question answers by the students or Teachers.
  • The program closes with a formal vote of thanks. You can thank Spicmacay and also mention the SM co ordinator's name who was instrumental in bringing this program to your institution.
  • Not to forget to take pictures and share with us. We request your esteemed Institution to send us a brief report of the same, mentioning the no of students who attended the program and their experience. You can email the same to us.

Program requirements :

  • Our Volunteer / Artist will bring SPICMACAY'S EYE BANNER to be used in the back drop. Prefer a blue or any plain wall background without any flex banners.
  • For Dance W & D, Artist will need a stand mike to address the students and another mike & speakers for the Laptop which will be used to play recorded music.
    For Music W & D, you will need 3 to 4 sitting mikes, with a monitor and good speaker system. Importantly Artists need to be seated on a makeshift wooden platform covered with traditional carpet/jamakalam, over and above the stage floor.
  • Extra lighting to high light the show and make it enjoyable to your audience.
  • Kindly avoid guests speakers or combining with any of your institution program.
  • Also humbly request to avoid any audience walk in and out during the program